cepat2lah habis test..isk3

cepat2lah habis test..isk3

as salam..
alhamdulillah..masih hidupp..
YA ALLAH..kuatkan hatiku ini untuk terus mengahadapii ujianMU...amiin !

hehee..anaytical chem dh settle ! I LOIKE !
well...it is  not very hard n not very easy to me...
for me..analyt nih setakat nii..,,masih boleh tahan...and i becoming to be an analyt lover...hahaaa..~
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MERAH MENYALA..OH JANTUNGKU..subjek nih dh mndpt tmpt kt jantung haku skrg..
 klu miss hayati tao niiyy..mesti dy  bangga...ade yg nk ikut jejak langkah dy...,
aku ader terfikirr kejap...klu lerr boleh amk kos mcm bahagian dy niihh..., kerja mcm miss nii..,amek bidang analyt sepenuhnyerr...,whoaaaa !

hheee..but..to be like her..need high commitment laaa kn..
errkk...aku nih bole ke terikat dgn kommitttmentt??
mcm x jep..hahaaa..well...trying to be an awesome person ??! haaaa...sounds good dear !
seriously..,klu ade yg haku luperr bile dh study analyt nihh,,..aku raserr KECEWA taw..
knpe? tah laa..lain dgn subjek2 chem yg laen..

hurrmm..cpt2 laah test habiss !!
okehh lerr..nk study..this evening..tepat jam 5.15...,
ade maths test !
tak sabo nk jwb ape yg perrluu dijawabb..tak nk mrkh cm kuiz..hehee..lau mcm tuh je..baek tak payah jwb..whoaa..even rmai under 12 mrks kn..haha..(aku bukan under 12..syuker2!)
em..ce tgk akak fuadah ue..19 per20 beb !..hehee...
now..nk be da besy..chaaiiyok2 my dear !
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notahati :: ALLAH..aku risauu...hurrmm..nxt weekk cutii dh..my car?? adeyyhhh haiissshhh

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